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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Aiguille du Moine, Mont-Blanc massif, France
25mm x 15mm x 15mm
The largest pink fluorite I found, fairly complete at one end. Looks like two crystals grown together. The faces are somewhat etched, but the colour is rich and inside the crystal is gemmy. (Author: Mike Wood)

Aiguille du Moine, Mont-Blanc massif, France
25mm x 15mm x 15mm
The largest pink fluorite I found, fairly complete at one end. Looks like two crystals grown together. The faces are somewhat etched, but the colour is rich and inside the crystal is gemmy. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 1600 x 1565
Tamaño fichero: 263.2 kbytes
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