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Looking down the first part of the descent route from the top of Aiguille du Moine. This is the easiest way up and down the mountain, involving a few abseils on the way down. The route grading is not much easier than the route I climbed up, and follows a way down the South face over to the right (looking up from the bottom), ending at the same spot that I started my route up (South arete). There were a few people about but I think most of them climbed up and down the same way.
Photo scanned from slide. (Author: Mike Wood)

Looking down the first part of the descent route from the top of Aiguille du Moine. This is the easiest way up and down the mountain, involving a few abseils on the way down. The route grading is not much easier than the route I climbed up, and follows a way down the South face over to the right (looking up from the bottom), ending at the same spot that I started my route up (South arete). There were a few people about but I think most of them climbed up and down the same way.
Photo scanned from slide. (Author: Mike Wood)

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