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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Close-up of the pegmatite vein pictured above. The vein is approx. 2ft (60cm) thick. Only the inner part is truly pegmatitic; the outer two parts of the vein are composed of either fine-grained granite, or aplite rock. But free grown crystals of quartz for example are very rarely found in these veins. (Author: Mike Wood)

Close-up of the pegmatite vein pictured above. The vein is approx. 2ft (60cm) thick. Only the inner part is truly pegmatitic; the outer two parts of the vein are composed of either fine-grained granite, or aplite rock. But free grown crystals of quartz for example are very rarely found in these veins. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 118.87 kbytes
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