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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Apophyllite + Thomsonite
Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
9cm x 8cm x 5cm
Undamaged cluster of transparent apophyllite crystals, to about 12mm, with ’feathery’ white thomsonite. Most of the specimens came out small because the basalt rock here is very hard, and the cavity lining was very thin. Hours were spent chopping out rock from around the cavity but still ended up with small specimens. Collected 2013. (Author: Mike Wood)

Apophyllite + Thomsonite
Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
9cm x 8cm x 5cm
Undamaged cluster of transparent apophyllite crystals, to about 12mm, with ’feathery’ white thomsonite. Most of the specimens came out small because the basalt rock here is very hard, and the cavity lining was very thin. Hours were spent chopping out rock from around the cavity but still ended up with small specimens. Collected 2013. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 1067
Tamaño fichero: 66.81 kbytes
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