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Guía de uso de Galería FMF

Galería de Minerales FMF

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Another adder, more green than brown, maybe recently discarded it’s skin as it looks very ’fresh’ and glossy. This one was sunning itself just next to the path - my boot missed it by <5cm ! Didn’t see it until I almost stood on it; if I had it might well have bitten me. However, it stayed put so I took some photo’s, from about 40cm away ! Good snake.
Photo taken in May. (Author: Mike Wood)

Another adder, more green than brown, maybe recently discarded it’s skin as it looks very ’fresh’ and glossy. This one was sunning itself just next to the path - my boot missed it by <5cm ! Didn’t see it until I almost stood on it; if I had it might well have bitten me. However, it stayed put so I took some photo’s, from about 40cm away ! Good snake.
Photo taken in May. (Author: Mike Wood)

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