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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Apophyllite + Quartz
Sgurr nam Boc, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Vug is approx. 15cm x 10cm
Pinacoidal terminated apophyllite crystals to approx. 13mm sprinkled on a layer of blueish quartz. A few small stilbite crystals can also be seen. This material is identical to specimens I have seen in the Heddle Collection in the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
 I have never bothered to extract it as it is in the side of a very large boulder consisting of extremely hard basalt.
 Not collected 2006. Still there 2013. (Author: Mike Wood)

Apophyllite + Quartz
Sgurr nam Boc, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Vug is approx. 15cm x 10cm
Pinacoidal terminated apophyllite crystals to approx. 13mm sprinkled on a layer of blueish quartz. A few small stilbite crystals can also be seen. This material is identical to specimens I have seen in the Heddle Collection in the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
I have never bothered to extract it as it is in the side of a very large boulder consisting of extremely hard basalt.
Not collected 2006. Still there 2013. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 96.42 kbytes
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