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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Sgurr nam Boc, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
25 cm x 10 cm x7 cm

Very large specimen of pink heulandite crystals to 15mm, with a few white stilbite crystals to 20mm. A lucky find - only took me 30 minutes to extract it. Found by crawling under an enormous boulder; it was in another boulder below it. Spent three days breaking rock to find more cavities and only found one more - a smaller cavity - at the end of the third day !
Self-collected 2007 from Sgurr nam Boc. (Author: Mike Wood)

Sgurr nam Boc, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
25 cm x 10 cm x7 cm

Very large specimen of pink heulandite crystals to 15mm, with a few white stilbite crystals to 20mm. A lucky find - only took me 30 minutes to extract it. Found by crawling under an enormous boulder; it was in another boulder below it. Spent three days breaking rock to find more cavities and only found one more - a smaller cavity - at the end of the third day !
Self-collected 2007 from Sgurr nam Boc. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 601
Tamaño fichero: 39.48 kbytes
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