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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Chimney Rock quarry, Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA
8.5X6.8 cm
The Chimney Rock quarry was on the site of an old copper mine.  A copper chunk around 90 lbs. jammed the crusher during the quarrying operation.  I believe it is still in the Rutgers collection.  During my collecting there, I found mainly calcites, analcimes, traces of copper minerals and a prehnite or two. (Author: John Medici)

Chimney Rock quarry, Bound Brook, New Jersey, USA
8.5X6.8 cm
The Chimney Rock quarry was on the site of an old copper mine. A copper chunk around 90 lbs. jammed the crusher during the quarrying operation. I believe it is still in the Rutgers collection. During my collecting there, I found mainly calcites, analcimes, traces of copper minerals and a prehnite or two. (Author: John Medici)