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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Silver Crystals
Nippising Mine, Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
19x10.5x.5 cm
A large cut slab displaying a network of fine silver crystals and veinlets. The specimen is a brecciated vein of calcite. One funny sidebar to this spcimen, is the way the breccia pieces are arranged to show what looks like the face of a dog. (Author: Joseph D'Oliveira)

Silver Crystals
Nippising Mine, Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
19x10.5x.5 cm
A large cut slab displaying a network of fine silver crystals and veinlets. The specimen is a brecciated vein of calcite. One funny sidebar to this spcimen, is the way the breccia pieces are arranged to show what looks like the face of a dog. (Author: Joseph D'Oliveira)

Dimensiones: 717 x 514
Tamaño fichero: 85.09 kbytes
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