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Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Levyne crystals to 9 mm on small clear Analcime crystals

Levyne crystals to 9mm on small clear Analcime crystals. Most of the crystals are undamaged and this is the best specimen I have found of levyne. Self-collected in 2010 from Moonen Bay. (Author: Mike Wood)

Moonen Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK
Levyne crystals to 9 mm on small clear Analcime crystals

Levyne crystals to 9mm on small clear Analcime crystals. Most of the crystals are undamaged and this is the best specimen I have found of levyne. Self-collected in 2010 from Moonen Bay. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 750 x 563
Tamaño fichero: 52.14 kbytes
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