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Beryl + Feldspar (rock)
Ben a’ Bhuird, Cairngorm Mountains, Grampian Region, Scotland, UK
8cm x 6cm x 4cm
I found a few lumps of this unusual rock in one place, just lying on the ground. It looks like granite but there is almost no quartz in it - comprising an equigranular mass of greenish beryl and pink feldspar (don’t know if the feldspar is microcline or orthoclase). Beryl crystals were found in the vicinity, from thin pegmatite veins. (Author: Mike Wood)

Beryl + Feldspar (rock)
Ben a’ Bhuird, Cairngorm Mountains, Grampian Region, Scotland, UK
8cm x 6cm x 4cm
I found a few lumps of this unusual rock in one place, just lying on the ground. It looks like granite but there is almost no quartz in it - comprising an equigranular mass of greenish beryl and pink feldspar (don’t know if the feldspar is microcline or orthoclase). Beryl crystals were found in the vicinity, from thin pegmatite veins. (Author: Mike Wood)

Dimensiones: 800 x 600
Tamaño fichero: 44.08 kbytes
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