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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Orthoclase, Quartz, Zinwaldite, Dolomite
Gebel Quarry (Mantegazza Quarry; Bianchi Quarry), Cuasso al Monte, Ceresio Valley, Varese Province, Lombardy, Italy
66.87 mm group composed from Orthoclase, smoky Quartz, yellow Dolomite and Zinnwaldite (Author: Matteo_Chinellato)

Orthoclase, Quartz, Zinwaldite, Dolomite
Gebel Quarry (Mantegazza Quarry; Bianchi Quarry), Cuasso al Monte, Ceresio Valley, Varese Province, Lombardy, Italy
66.87 mm group composed from Orthoclase, smoky Quartz, yellow Dolomite and Zinnwaldite (Author: Matteo_Chinellato)

Dimensiones: 750 x 501
Tamaño fichero: 77.81 kbytes
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