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Galería de Minerales FMF

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Even the most German collectors do not know the fluorites from Hühn fluorspar mine, Trusetal, Thuringia. In the 1950s in this mine crystals (cubes) were found, deep green and blue in color, measuring up to 5 cm, some on good baryte crystals. They look like the famous Halsbrücke fluorites from the Freiberg district, Saxony. The picture shows a 6 cm sample with pale blue cubes (some with rosé zoning at the edges). (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

Even the most German collectors do not know the fluorites from Hühn fluorspar mine, Trusetal, Thuringia. In the 1950s in this mine crystals (cubes) were found, deep green and blue in color, measuring up to 5 cm, some on good baryte crystals. They look like the famous Halsbrücke fluorites from the Freiberg district, Saxony. The picture shows a 6 cm sample with pale blue cubes (some with rosé zoning at the edges). (Author: Andreas Gerstenberg)

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